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2013 Alois Lageder Italian White "Porer Pinot Grigio"

Alois Lageder 2013 Porer Pinot Grigio

Winery: Alois Lageder

Vintage: 2013

Wine Name/Vineyard: "Porer Pinot Grigio"

Wine Category: Italian White

Grape blend: 100% Pinot Grigio"

Bottle size: 750 ml

Region: Alto Adige

State or country: Italy

Price: $25

Cases produced: 5,683

KWG Score: 88 (based on 2 reviews)

Ken's Wine Rating: Very Good+ (90)

Review date: September 29, 2015

Wine Review: This almost clear colored Pinot Grigio from Alois Lageder is very nice and was well liked by the Twitter tasters! It opens with a mild and appealing wet stone and faint lemon bouquet. On the palate, this wine is medium to full bodied, nicely balanced, smooth and elegant. The flavor profile is a tasty gentle lime with nicely integrated minerality. I also detected hints of almond and Anjou pear. The finish is dry and subtle. This wine is extremely fish friendly and would be perfect with baked cod with a crumbled Ritz cracker crust. Enjoy - Ken

Winemaker Notes: Description: brilliant straw-yellow colour with a green shimmer. Very aromatic, opulent, uplifted varietal aroma paired with pronounced mineral notes and elegant oak spice. Clean, grapey, full-bodied flavour, quite soft and creamy, refined and with a fresh finish. Remarkably long and aromatic on the palate. Under proper storage conditions, this wine may be cellared for 4 to 6 years. Suggested foods: starters, pates and terrines, cold meat, all kinds of fish and seafood, white meat and poultry.

Buy it: Use 1000 Corks to find stores that sell Alois Lageder 2013 Porer Pinot Grigio.

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