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2014 Anthony Road Rose "Rose of Cabernet Franc"

Anthony Road 2014 Rose of Cabernet Franc

Winery: Anthony Road

Vintage: 2014

Wine Name/Vineyard: "Rose of Cabernet Franc"

Wine Category: Rose

Grape blend: 95% Cabernet Franc & 5% Lemberger

Bottle size: 750 ml

Region: Finger Lakes

State or country: NY

Price: $18

Cases produced: unknown

KWG Score: 88 (based on 1 review)

Ken's Wine Rating: Very Good (88)

Review date: August 15, 2015

Wine Review: This dark pink colored rose made mostly from Cabernet Franc is very nice. It opens with a pleasant watermelon bouquet with hints of strawberry. On the palate, this wine is medium bodied and slightly acidic. The flavor profile is a mild watermelon and mineral blend with hints of red cherry. The finish is dry and its flavors and acidity are nicely prolonged. This Rose is food friendly and would pair well with bacon wrapped scallops. Enjoy - Ken

Winemaker Notes: A fresh, off-dry wine made from selected Cabernet Franc. Light berry characters and a crisp finish make this wine great for summer gatherings.

Buy it: Use 1000 Corks to find stores that sell Anthony Road 2014 Rose of Cabernet Franc.

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