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2007 Arnaldo Caprai Italy (Other Regional Reds) "Collepiano"

Arnaldo Caprai 2007 Collepiano

Winery: Arnaldo Caprai

Vintage: 2007

Wine Name/Vineyard: "Collepiano"

Wine Category: Italy (Other Regional Reds)

Grape blend: 100% Sagrantino

Bottle size: 750 ml

Region: Umbria

State or country: Italy

Price: $60

Cases produced: 6,667

KWG Score: 94 (based on 4 reviews)

Ken's Wine Rating: Very Good+ (92)

Review date: January 30, 2014

Wine Review: This pitch black colored wine made from 100% Sagrantino grapes opens with a fragrant an inviting ripe blackberry bouquet with hints of leather and cassis. I also detected a faith bit of oak hidden behind the fruit. On the palate, this wine is full bodied, balanced, smooth and rich. The flavor profile is a ripe blackberry with notes of black licorice, black pepper and oak. I also detected some black olive and minerality as well. This is a pretty complex wine. The finish is quite dry and its flavors and dusty tannins keep your mouth busy for quite a while. I would pair this tasty wine with a well-marbled ribeye steak. Enjoy - Ken

Winemaker Notes: Rich in tannins with an explosion of flavor, this red wine is best understood when enjoyed with a wonderful piece of roasted meat, preferably one with a bit of fat content, game, and aged cheeses. Temperature should not exceed 68°F when served.

Buy it: Use 1000 Corks to find stores that sell Arnaldo Caprai 2007 Collepiano.

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