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1996 Burmester Dessert & Ice Wine "Colheita"

Burmester 1996 Colheita

Winery: Burmester

Vintage: 1996

Wine Name/Vineyard: "Colheita"

Wine Category: Dessert & Ice Wine

Grape blend:

Bottle size: 750 ml

Region: Portugal

State or country: Portugal

Price: $49

Cases produced: 200

KWG Score: 93 (based on 1 review)

Ken's Wine Rating: Very Good+ (93)

Review date: March 15, 2017

Wine Review: This dark orange colored Vintage Tawny Port wine opens with an attractive rum cake and walnut bouquet with a hint of prune. On the palate, this wine is full bodied, pleasantly sweet, balanced and smooth. The flavor profile is a very tasty walnut and raisin blend with notes of rum cake. The finish is semi-dry to sweet and nicely hides its 20% alcohol. I would pair this yummy port with a large slice of pecan pie. Enjoy – Ken

Winemaker Notes: This is a wine of exceptional quality and elegance, a Casa Burmester classic that is made from a single harvest - a "Vintage Tawny" - aged in small 550-litre oak barrels in our Vila Nova de Gaia Cellars. It is bottled, at the very least, after seven years and in accordance with demand.

Buy it: Use 1000 Corks to find stores that sell Burmester 1996 Colheita.

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