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2014 Carol Shelton Dessert & Ice Wine "Black Magic Late Harvest Zinfandel"

Carol Shelton 2014 Black Magic Late Harvest Zinfandel

Winery: Carol Shelton

Vintage: 2014

Wine Name/Vineyard: "Black Magic Late Harvest Zinfandel"

Wine Category: Dessert & Ice Wine

Grape blend: 100% Late Harvest Zinfandel

Bottle size: 375 ml

Region: Sonoma County

State or country: CA

Price: $20

Cases produced: 414

KWG Score: 88 (based on 1 review)

Ken's Wine Rating: Very Good (88)

Review date: January 21, 2017

Wine Review: The ruby colored late harvest Zinfandel opens with a fragrant with pomegranate bouquet with hints of plum. On the palate, this wine is quite sweet, slightly acidic and savory. The flavor profile is a spicy plum with notes of blackberry and touches of minerality, black grape and prune towards the end. The finish is slightly sweeter than the beginning and fades away nicely. This very nice late harvest Zin can be enjoyed with chocolate covered strawberries. Enjoy – Ken

Winemaker Notes: Black Magic Late Harvest Zinfandel conjures up a charming finale for a delicious meal lusciously jammy and sweet, it complements many foods from savory cheese plates to decadent chocolate desserts. Abracadabra! Winemaker’s Tasting Notes: Inky blue-purple in color, yummy deep razz-blackberry jam and luscious dark chocolate of oak spices, sweet but not clumsy, pleasingly balanced with a bit a tartness, not at all hotly alcoholic, bit of warm vanilla at finish.

Buy it: Use 1000 Corks to find stores that sell Carol Shelton 2014 Black Magic Late Harvest Zinfandel.

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