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2000 Clos L'Eglise French - Bordeaux

Clos L'Eglise 2000

Winery: Clos L'Eglise

Vintage: 2000

Wine Name/Vineyard:

Wine Category: French - Bordeaux

Grape blend:

Bottle size: 750 ml

Region: Pomerol

State or country: France

Price: $200

Cases produced: 1,330

KWG Score: 96.2 (based on 4 reviews)

Ken's Wine Rating: Excellent (96)

Review date: June 6, 2010

Wine Review: This opaque very dark purple Bordeaux is drinking beautifully right now. It opens with a fantastic plum and gentle red raspberry bouquet. There was also notes of new leather detected as well. On the palate, this wine is full bodied, very well balanced, and extremely smooth. The flavor profile is a delicious red currant with wonderfully integrated oak. There was also some hints of fig and strawberry blended in. The finish was dry and its mild tannins are pleasant and friendly. This wine went perfectly with my Delmonico steak at Grill 23 in Boston. Enjoy – Ken

Winemaker Notes: Not Available

Buy it: Use 1000 Corks to find stores that sell Clos L'Eglise 2000.

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