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2009 Columbia Crest Pinot Grigio & Pinot Gris (Other than Italy) "Two Vines"

Columbia Crest 2009 Two Vines Pinot Grigio

Winery: Columbia Crest

Vintage: 2009

Wine Name/Vineyard: "Two Vines"

Wine Category: Pinot Grigio & Pinot Gris (Other than Italy)

Grape blend: 100% Pinot Grigio

Bottle size: 750 ml

Region: Washington

State or country: WA

Price: $8

Cases produced: 50,000

KWG Score: 86.7 (based on 4 reviews)

Ken's Wine Rating: Very Good (87)

Review date: January 11, 2011

Wine Review: This almost clear colored Pinot Grigio has slight tinge of white gold coloring. This wine opens with a mild lime bouquet with a hint of wet stone and apricot. On the palate, this wine is medium bodied. balanced, and easy going. The flavor profile is pleasant with mild green apple flavors with notes of gentle integrated acidity. There was also just a hint green pear and spice. The finish is dry. This is a very food friendly wine. It would pair well with grilled lemon chicken. Enjoy - Ken

Winemaker Notes: Our Two Vines Pinot Grigio opens with enticing aromas of fruit salad and a fragrance reminiscent of orchard blossoms. Luscious flavors of green apple are joined by subtle hints of pear and citrus. Crisp and refreshing, this wine is perfect for sipping on its own but is a natural with food as well. Some good food matches for this wine would be cheese pizza, Chinese, Indian, and Thai dishes. Ray Einberger, Winemaker

Buy it: Use 1000 Corks to find stores that sell Columbia Crest 2009 Two Vines Pinot Grigio.

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