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2014 De Morgenzon Sauvignon Blanc "DMZ"

DMZ 2014 Sauvignon Blanc

Winery: De Morgenzon

Vintage: 2014

Wine Name/Vineyard: "DMZ"

Wine Category: Sauvignon Blanc

Grape blend: 100% Sauvignon Blanc

Bottle size: 750 ml

Region: Western Cape

State or country: South Africa

Price: $18

Cases produced: 168

KWG Score: 90.6 (based on 5 reviews)

Ken's Wine Rating: Very Good (89)

Review date: July 30, 2016

Wine Review: This light white gold colored Sauvignon Blanc opens with a musty grapefruit and green pepper bouquet. On the palate, this wine is light bodied, pleasantly acidic and crisp. The flavor profile is a tart yellow grapefruit with notes of green pepper and minerality. I also detected hints of lime and nectarine in the background. The finish is dry and refreshing. This is a good value beach wine for the summer. I would pair this Sauvignon Blanc with bacon wrapped scallops. Enjoy - Ken

Winemaker Notes: DMZ is DeMorgenzon's value label, where the objective is to produce classic, elegant, well-balanced wines which over-deliver in terms of quality for price. Forthright aromas of passion fruit and citrus greet the nose following through to a lush palate of ripe fruit flavors with a nettle edge. An invigorating acidity and a stony minerality impart natural freshness and length.

Buy it: Use 1000 Corks to find stores that sell DMZ 2014 Sauvignon Blanc.

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