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2016 Diamond Creek Cabernet Sauvignon "Red Rock Terrace"

Diamond Creek 2016 Red Rock Terrace

Winery: Diamond Creek

Vintage: 2016

Wine Name/Vineyard: "Red Rock Terrace"

Wine Category: Cabernet Sauvignon

Grape blend: Cabernet Sauvignon

Bottle size: 750 ml

Region: Napa Valley

State or country: CA

Price: $250

Cases produced: 558

KWG Score: 97.7 (based on 7 reviews)

Ken's Wine Rating: Excellent (97)

Review date: January 18, 2019

Wine Review: This Cabernet Sauvignon from Diamond Creek is Tremendous! It is slightly opaque and dark red colored. It opens with a very inviting black cherry bouquet with hints of black currant. On the palate, this wine is full bodied, very nicely balanced and super smooth. The flavor profile is a delicious black cherry and black currant blend with nicely integrated gentle minerality and oak. The finish is dry and its flavors and refined tannins sail away for a very long time. I would pair this Excellent wine with a filet mignon. Enjoy - Ken

Winemaker Notes: The wine from Red Rock Terrace is the most accessible and earliest drinkable of all our wines. Our winemaker describes Red Rock Terrace as "having velvety tannins, rich and well balanced, medium dark ruby color with cherry, mint and black currant flavors."

Buy it: Use 1000 Corks to find stores that sell Diamond Creek 2016 Red Rock Terrace.

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