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2008 Donnafugata Italy (Other Regional Reds) "Mille e una Notte"

Donnafugata 2008 Mille e una Notte

Winery: Donnafugata

Vintage: 2008

Wine Name/Vineyard: "Mille e una Notte"

Wine Category: Italy (Other Regional Reds)

Grape blend: Nero d'Avola & other varieties

Bottle size: 750 ml

Region: Sicilia

State or country: Italy

Price: $85

Cases produced: 350

KWG Score: 93.8 (based on 5 reviews)

Ken's Wine Rating: Very Good+ (91)

Review date: August 7, 2014

Wine Review: This opaque and midnight purple colored Italian Nero d'Avola opens with a blackberry bouquet with hints of rum cake and boysenberry. On the palate, this wine is medium bodied, balanced and fruit forward. The flavor profile opens with blackberry notes of rum and black plum. I also detected hints of old oak and faint prune lingering in the background. The finish is rather dry and its moderate tannins show excellent length. This wine is built for a cool evening. I would serve it with a ribeye steak. Enjoy - Ken

Winemaker Notes: Ruby red, the nose offers a charming bouquet with notes of tobacco and cocoa. These aromas return on the palate with fruity undertones of black mulberries and cherries in alcohol. Ample with caressing tannins, Mille e una Notte 2008 confirms its complexity and elegance, the distinctive characteristics of this important wine, Donnafugata's flagship red wine. Aging potential: over 12 years. Food & Wine: with elaborate dishes of red meat, pork, lamb, also with tasty fish dishes. Serve in large glasses, it can be uncorked a couple of hours earlier.

Buy it: Use 1000 Corks to find stores that sell Donnafugata 2008 Mille e una Notte.

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