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2011 Dr H Thanisch Riesling "Bernkasteler Badstube Kabinett"

Dr H Thanisch 2011 Bernkasteler Badstube Kabinett Riesling

Winery: Dr H Thanisch

Vintage: 2011

Wine Name/Vineyard: "Bernkasteler Badstube Kabinett"

Wine Category: Riesling

Grape blend: 100% Riesling

Bottle size: 750 ml

Region: Mosel

State or country: Germany

Price: $24

Cases produced: 1,000

KWG Score: 92 (based on 3 reviews)

Ken's Wine Rating: Very Good+ (92)

Review date: December 14, 2012

Wine Review: This pale yellow colored Riesling opens with a very inviting floral and ripe pear bouquet with a hint of orange peel. On the palate, this wine is medium bodied and very nicely balanced between its sweetness and acidity. The flavor profile is a tasty mild pineapple with hints of peach, lemon-lime and green tea. The finish remains pleasantly sweet and subtle. This Riesling is a very good drinking wine and could serve a dessert. You could also serve it with a mixed cheese platter for finish of a nice meal. Enjoy - Ken

Winemaker Notes: Bright golden in colour with a flinty minerality and an animating very well integrated tartness. The opulent ripe yellow fruit with pineapple and mango as well as a hint of elderberries and a pinch of salt in the aftertaste make this wine memorable. Very well balanced with lots of facettes. Matches delicate dishes perfectly. Great with salads, poultry but also with Curries or a Risotto.

Buy it: Use 1000 Corks to find stores that sell Dr H Thanisch 2011 Bernkasteler Badstube Kabinett Riesling.

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