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2020 Hartford Court Rose "Rose of Pinot Noir"

Hartford Court 2020 Rose of Pinot Noir

Winery: Hartford Court

Vintage: 2020

Wine Name/Vineyard: "Rose of Pinot Noir"

Wine Category: Rose

Grape blend: 100% Pinot Noir

Bottle size: 750 ml

Region: Russian River Valley

State or country: CA

Price: $30

Cases produced: 392

KWG Score: 90.5 (based on 1 review)

Ken's Wine Rating: Very Good+ (90.5)

Review date: April 17, 2021

Wine Review: This very pale pink colored Rose wine opens fragrant strawberry and maraschino cherry bouquet with hints of gardenia and tangerine. On the palate, this wine is medium bodied with lively medium plus acidity. The flavor profile is a stony mineral influenced strawberry and blood orange blend with hints of peach and watermelon. The finish is dry, extended and refreshing. The Panel would pair this very nice Rose with Rick’s shrimp cocktail. Enjoy – KWGTP

Winemaker Notes: The 2020 Rosé has aromas reminiscent of strawberry, grapefruit, Mandarin orange, white peach along with delicate kiwi and floral hints. The fruit flavors lean towards ruby grapefruit and cranberry with a subtle mineral and refreshing acid component that brings complexity and a food-friendly character to the wine. Enjoy our Rosé at cellar temperature (54˚ F) for maximum complexity or chilled on a hot summer day as an aperitif.

Buy it: Use 1000 Corks to find stores that sell Hartford Court 2020 Rose of Pinot Noir.

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