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NV Henriot Champagne & Sparkling Wine "Blanc de Blancs" (10/22)

Henriot Blanc de Blancs

Winery: Henriot

Vintage: NV

Wine Name/Vineyard: "Blanc de Blancs" (10/22)

Wine Category: Champagne & Sparkling Wine

Grape blend: 100% Chardonnay

Bottle size: 750 ml

Region: Champagne

State or country: France

Price: $70

Cases produced: 1,200

KWG Score: 93.5 (based on 3 reviews)

Ken's Wine Rating: Very Good+ (92.5)

Review date: October 17, 2022

Wine Review: This straw-colored Champagne opens with steady beads of medium bubbles. The bouquet is a moist bread dough bouquet with hints of ginger, green melon, and green apple. On the palate, this wine is medium bodied with medium acidity. The mouthfeel is nicely balanced, elegant and shows nice finesse. The flavor profile is a chamomile tea and tart grapefruit blend with notes of lemon-lime. We also detected some hints of green apple and chalky minerality. The finish is dry, and its flavors linger for quite a while. The Tasting Panel would pair this Champagne with seared scallops or rabbit with a tarragon cream sauce. Enjoy – KWGTP

Winemaker Notes: "A great generosity characterizes this Champagne. The diversity of wines selected in the blend offers an ample aromatic range in which exoticism and exuberance are balanced by elegance and finesse. Multiple aromas intertwine bringing great complexity from flambé pineapple and fresh citrus fruit notes to wet chalk and subtle pastry aromas. On the palate, this Champagne has an incredible velvety texture accompanied by an extraordinary freshness."

Buy it: Use 1000 Corks to find stores that sell Henriot Blanc de Blancs.

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