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2013 Hunt Country Vineyards Dessert & Ice Wine "Vidal Blanc Ice Wine"

Hunt Country 2013 Vidal Blanc Ice Wine

Winery: Hunt Country Vineyards

Vintage: 2013

Wine Name/Vineyard: "Vidal Blanc Ice Wine"

Wine Category: Dessert & Ice Wine

Grape blend: 100% Vidal Blanc

Bottle size: 375 ml

Region: Finger Lakes

State or country: NY

Price: $40

Cases produced: 256

KWG Score: 94 (based on 1 review)

Ken's Wine Rating: Excellent (94)

Review date: August 17, 2015

Wine Review: This very nice Ice Wine made from Vidal Blanc is Excellent! It is goldenrod colored and opens with a golden raisin and apricot bouquet with hints of molasses. On the palate, this wine is full bodied, rich, nicely balanced and pleasantly sweet. The flavor profile is a very tasty apricot and orange marmalade blend with hints of golden raisin and honey. The finish remains sweet and drifts away nicely. This very nice dessert wine would be perfect for with cheddar cheese and sliced green apples. Enjoy - Ken

Winemaker Notes: This lusciously sweet wine fills the mouth with flavors of apricot, raisin and honey, with a crisp finish of pineapple. Vidal Blanc Ice Wine pairs beautifully with fine appetizers like pate de foie gras and a wide array of desserts - fruit and nut tarts, cheesecake, ice cream, fresh fruit, creme caramel and chocolate mousse are just a few examples. Served well chilled, if possible in cordial glasses.

Buy it: Use 1000 Corks to find stores that sell Hunt Country 2013 Vidal Blanc Ice Wine.

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