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2012 Inniskillin Dessert & Ice Wine "Vidal Icewine"

Inniskillin 2012 Vidal Icewine

Winery: Inniskillin

Vintage: 2012

Wine Name/Vineyard: "Vidal Icewine"

Wine Category: Dessert & Ice Wine

Grape blend: 100% Vidal Blanc

Bottle size: 375 ml

Region: Niagara Peninsula

State or country: Canada

Price: $50

Cases produced: 6,693

KWG Score: 92.6 (based on 3 reviews)

Ken's Wine Rating: Very Good+ (93)

Review date: May 3, 2015

Wine Review: This light goldenrod colored dessert wine is sweet nectar! It opens with an inviting orange marmalade bouquet with hints of rum cake and raisin. On the palate, this wine is full bodied, viscous and rich. The flavor profile is a very tasty orange and apricot jam blend with hints of mild golden raisin and brown sugar. The finish is pleasantly sweet and it flavors are nicely prolonged. I would pair this tasty dessert wine with coconut macaroon cookies. Enjoy - Ken

Winemaker Notes: Intense aromatics of mango, apricot and honey beautifully integrated with flavors of peach and candied brown sugar. This wine is all held together by crisp bold acidity. Food Pairings: Blue veined cheese with dried fruit or fresh peaches or pears; roasted chicken with grilled peaches; fresh papaya and lime salsa with grilled white fish; traditional peach pie.

Buy it: Use 1000 Corks to find stores that sell Inniskillin 2012 Vidal Icewine.

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