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2007 Inniskillin Dessert & Ice Wine "Cabernet Franc IceWine"

Inniskillin 2007 Cabernet Franc Ice Wine

Winery: Inniskillin

Vintage: 2007

Wine Name/Vineyard: "Cabernet Franc IceWine"

Wine Category: Dessert & Ice Wine

Grape blend: 100% Cabernet Franc

Bottle size: 375 ml

Region: Niagara Peninsula

State or country: Canada

Price: $95

Cases produced: 1,600

KWG Score: 90.6 (based on 3 reviews)

Ken's Wine Rating: Very Good+ (92)

Review date: July 24, 2009

Wine Review: This rose colored Cabernet Franc Ice Wine was a new one for me and the panel. However, what an impression it made as it pulled away with the victory in our recent dessert wine blind tasting. It opens with a fragrant raspberry jam like bouquet with a hint of licorice mixed in. On the palate, this wine is full bodied, viscous and creamy. The flavor profile is a very sweet and tasty black raspberry with hints of honey and apricots. The finish was smooth and nicely extended. The panel would pair this gem with dark chocolate covered strawberries. Enjoy – KWGTP

Winemaker Notes: Amazing depth of colour and outstanding red berry flavours, particularly strawberry, lend this red Icewine to pair well with chocolate or chocolate mousse and red fruit based desserts or simply strawberries and cream!

Buy it: Use 1000 Corks to find stores that sell Inniskillin 2007 Cabernet Franc Ice Wine.

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