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2006 Kilikanoon Syrah & Shiraz (Other than French) "Testament"

Kilikanoon 2006 Testament Shiraz

Winery: Kilikanoon

Vintage: 2006

Wine Name/Vineyard: "Testament"

Wine Category: Syrah & Shiraz (Other than French)

Grape blend: 100% Shiraz

Bottle size: 750 ml

Region: Barossa Valley

State or country: Australia

Price: $40

Cases produced: 1,000

KWG Score: 94.1 (based on 6 reviews)

Ken's Wine Rating: Excellent (94)

Review date: October 1, 2009

Wine Review: If you love big and bold Aussie Shiraz, pick up a bottle of this wine and impress someone. This wine is almost pitch black in color. It opens with a very attractive blueberry bouquet with notes of black pepper. On the palate, this wine is full bodied, extremely well balanced, ultra smooth, and silky. The flavor profile is a delicious ripe blueberry with a hint of strawberry. We also detected a touch of black pepper and vanilla as well. The finish is dry and shows very fine tannins that are rather lengthy. This very elegant Barossa Shiraz would be ideal for filet mignon over the next few years. Enjoy – Ken

Winemaker Notes: Testament expresses the opulence and density expected of wines from the legendary Barossa Valley region. A nose of great intensity, ripe mulberry and cherry notes lead, complexed by clove spices and spicy oak. The textured palate is likewise intense, offering roasted plums, quality dark chocolate and sweet molasses, all pulled together by ripe, gritty tannins and balanced acidity.

Buy it: Use 1000 Corks to find stores that sell Kilikanoon 2006 Testament Shiraz.

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