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NV La Marca Champagne & Sparkling Wine "Prosecco Extra Dry"

La Marca NV Prosecco

Winery: La Marca

Vintage: NV

Wine Name/Vineyard: "Prosecco Extra Dry"

Wine Category: Champagne & Sparkling Wine

Grape blend: 100% Glera

Bottle size: 750 ml

Region: Veneto

State or country: Italy

Price: $17

Cases produced: 470,000

KWG Score: 87.6 (based on 3 reviews)

Ken's Wine Rating: Very Good (87)

Review date: December 21, 2013

Wine Review: This pale straw colored Extra Dry Prosecco opens with golden apples, peaches, and cantaloupes. It is a light bodied Prosecco that hits the "fun and enticing" style right on the head. It displays ripe golden delicious apples flavors along with notes Georgia peaches, succulent cantaloupes, and star fruit. These flavors are all nicely balanced by the extra big bubbles and acidity that are found in this Prosecco. With a medium length finish this Prosecco is perfect for a fun filled get together. Enjoy - Nicolay

Winemaker Notes: This sparkling wine is pale, golden straw in color. Bubbles are full textured and persistent. On the nose the wine brings fresh citrus with hints of honey and white floral notes. The flavor is fresh and clean, with ripe citrus, lemon, green apple, and touches of grapefruit, minerality, and some toast. The finish is light, refreshing, and crisp.

Buy it: Use 1000 Corks to find stores that sell La Marca NV Prosecco.

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