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2010 Pierre Usseglio French - Rhone (Red Blend) "Cuvee de mon Aieul Chateauneuf du Pape"

Pierre Usseglio 2010 Cuvee de mon Aieul Chateauneuf du Pape

Winery: Pierre Usseglio

Vintage: 2010

Wine Name/Vineyard: "Cuvee de mon Aieul Chateauneuf du Pape"

Wine Category: French - Rhone (Red Blend)

Grape blend: 100% Grenache

Bottle size: 750 ml

Region: Chateauneuf du Pape

State or country: France

Price: $110

Cases produced: 400

KWG Score: 95.7 (based on 4 reviews)

Ken's Wine Rating: Excellent (95)

Review date: April 27, 2012

Wine Review: This Grenache from Usseglio rocks! It is opaque and dark ruby colored and opens with a pleasant pomegranate bouquet with a hint of old oak. On the palate, this wine is full bodied, exceptionally well balanced, and smooth. The flavor profile is a delicious black cherry with nicely integrated oak and hints of black plum. The finish is dry and its very sticky fine tannins are lengthy and very prolonged. This wine will need to be decanted in the the short run, but would be perfect for a cowboy ribeye. Enjoy - Ken

Winemaker Notes: Not Available

Buy it: Use 1000 Corks to find stores that sell Pierre Usseglio 2010 Cuvee de mon Aieul Chateauneuf du Pape.

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