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NV Prosper Maufoux Champagne & Sparkling Wine "Cremant de Bourgogne" (12/18)

Prosper Maufoux Cremant de Bourgogne

Winery: Prosper Maufoux

Vintage: NV

Wine Name/Vineyard: "Cremant de Bourgogne" (12/18)

Wine Category: Champagne & Sparkling Wine

Grape blend: 40% Chardonnay, 40% Pinot Noir & 20% Gamay

Bottle size: 750 ml

Region: Burgundy

State or country: France

Price: $19

Cases produced: unknown

KWG Score: 87.5 (based on 2 reviews)

Ken's Wine Rating: Very Good (88)

Review date: December 8, 2018

Wine Review: This Cremant de Bourgogne opens up with a bouquet featuring lilac, tangerine, and hints of ginger. The mouthfeel is somewhere between full and delicate. The bubbles dance across the palate keeping this sparkler fresh and lively. If you paired this Cremant with fish and chips, this wine would sing. - Nicolay

Winemaker Notes: Pale gold color. The nose is fruity with notes of exotic fruits and citrus. Expresses white flowers and pastries. Serve as an aperitif or pair with desserts.

Buy it: Use 1000 Corks to find stores that sell Prosper Maufoux Cremant de Bourgogne.

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