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2022 Santa Julia Argentina & Chile (Red Blends) "La Vaquita Natural"

Santa Julia 2022 La Vaquita

Winery: Santa Julia

Vintage: 2022

Wine Name/Vineyard: "La Vaquita Natural"

Wine Category: Argentina & Chile (Red Blends)

Grape blend: 80% Malbec & 20% Torrontes

Bottle size: 750 ml

Region: Mendoza

State or country: Argentina

Price: $19

Cases produced: 1,667

KWG Score: 91 (based on 2 reviews)

Ken's Wine Rating: Very Good+ (90)

Review date: September 16, 2023

Wine Review: An unusual blend of 80% Malbec and 20% Torrontés from Argentina. This wine is a medium red color, with a pungent bouquet of sour cherry candy, red plum, violet and rose florals, rosemary, and red clay. On the palate it is savory, dry, velvety smooth, medium-minus bodied, moderately acidic, and balanced. It displays flavors of black plum, rosemary, pomegranate, green tea and red grape along with some earthy notes. A touch of fine tannins in the tangy long finish. Pair with marinated lamb kabobs. - Mark

Winemaker Notes: Santa Julia La Vaquita is the first organic and natural Claret-style wine from Bodega Santa Julia and reflects their mission to develop wines in an organic and sustainable way, coexisting with the environment instead of attacking it. Pale red with pink sparkles and a fresh and fruity nose with a soft hint of floral notes. Fresh acidity, juicy and bold, on the palate.

Buy it: Use 1000 Corks to find stores that sell Santa Julia 2022 La Vaquita.

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