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2005 Sartori di Verona Italy (Other Regional Reds) "Regolo Estate Collection"

Sartori di Verona 2005 Regolo

Winery: Sartori di Verona

Vintage: 2005

Wine Name/Vineyard: "Regolo Estate Collection"

Wine Category: Italy (Other Regional Reds)

Grape blend: 100% Corvina Veronese

Bottle size: 750 ml

Region: Veneto

State or country: Italy

Price: $21

Cases produced: 50,000

KWG Score: 90 (based on 1 review)

Ken's Wine Rating: Very Good+ (90)

Review date: February 12, 2010

Wine Review: This very dark ruby colored wine opens with a black cherry and oak like bouquet. On the palate, this wine is medium bodied, well balanced, and very approachable. The flavor profile is a tasty blend of black raspberry, black cherry, and spice. There are also notes of oak and black pepper mixed in that add to the wines complexity. The finish is dry and its moderate tannins are slightly prolonged. This wine would be a great choice to serve with beef bourguignon. Enjoy – Ken

Winemaker Notes: Vivid garnet color. Intense and persistent bouquet. Dry and velvety with hints of cherry, full and harmonious body. An ideal accompaniment to roasted meats, game and aged cheeses.

Buy it: Use 1000 Corks to find stores that sell Sartori di Verona 2005 Regolo.

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