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2011 Steven Kent Cabernet Franc "Small Lot Offering"

Steven Kent 2011 Cabernet Franc

Winery: Steven Kent

Vintage: 2011

Wine Name/Vineyard: "Small Lot Offering"

Wine Category: Cabernet Franc

Grape blend: 100% Cabernet Franc

Bottle size: 750 ml

Region: Livermore Valley

State or country: CA

Price: $50

Cases produced: 148

KWG Score: 91 (based on 1 review)

Ken's Wine Rating: Very Good+ (91)

Review date: May 3, 2014

Wine Review: This dark ruby colored Cabernet Franc from Steven Kent is very good. It opens with an inviting strawberry cream bouquet with a hint of blueberry and oak. On the palate, this wine is full bodied, nicely balanced and juicy. The flavor profile is a tasty boysenberry with notes of cedar plank and black cherry. I also detect hints of faint bacon, minerality and plum. The finish is dry and its moderate tannins are controlled and stick around for quite some time. I would enjoy this wine with thyme seasoned pork tenderloin. Enjoy - Ken

Winemaker Notes: Cabernet Franc is at its most compelling when there is (as in this offering) beautiful balance between heft and vitality. Replete with its characteristic herbal signature and displaying a rich entry, full fruit, and a dramatic mid-palate-to-finish momentum, this wine showcases a vision for Cabernet Franc that is in keeping with the world-class potential of the Ghielmetti Estate Vineyard and the Livermore Valley.

Buy it: Use 1000 Corks to find stores that sell Steven Kent 2011 Cabernet Franc.

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