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2014 Vina Gormaz Spanish White "Verdejo"

Vina Gormaz 2014 Verdejo

Winery: Vina Gormaz

Vintage: 2014

Wine Name/Vineyard: "Verdejo"

Wine Category: Spanish White

Grape blend: 100% Verdejo

Bottle size: 750 ml

Region: Rueda

State or country: Spain

Price: $13

Cases produced: unknown

KWG Score: 88 (based on 1 review)

Ken's Wine Rating: Very Good (88)

Review date: November 10, 2015

Wine Review: This faint straw colored Verdejo was one of the very good value wines that we discovered in our recent blind tasting. It opens with a delicate light lemon and wet stone like bouquet. On the palate, this wine is light bodied and slightly acidic. The flavor profile is a delicate mineral infused light lemon-lime with hints of cantaloupe. The finish is dry and subtle. The panel felt this Verdejo is a very nice everyday wine and a bit of a quaffer. We suggested pairing it with chicken pot pie or baked haddock. Enjoy - KWGTP

Winemaker Notes: Clean aromas of ripe kiwi and fresh quince carry with intensity over the palate to a dry finish that will prove versatile for first course pairings. Try with shellfish, trout and South-East Asian dishes. A medium light wine and bright value for everyday enjoyment.

Buy it: Use 1000 Corks to find stores that sell Vina Gormaz 2014 Verdejo.

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