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2020 Villa Wolf Pinot Blanc

Villa Wolf 2020 Pinot Blanc

Winery: Villa Wolf

Vintage: 2020

Wine Name/Vineyard:

Wine Category: Pinot Blanc

Grape blend: 100% Pinot Blanc

Bottle size: 750 ml

Region: Pfalz

State or country: Germany

Price: $12

Cases produced: 300

KWG Score: 87.6 (based on 3 reviews)

Ken's Wine Rating: Very Good (87)

Review date: November 26, 2022

Wine Review: This white gold colored Pinot Blanc from Villa Wolf opens with a white peach and mild lemon bouquet with hints of stone dust. On the palate, this wine is light plus bodied with medium plus acidity. The mouthfeel is bright, zesty, and juicy. The flavor profile is stony minerality, lime, and mild grapefruit blend with notes of ginger and white pepper. I also detected a hint of Granny Smith apple skin. The finish is quite refreshing. This good value Pinot Blanc would pair well with sushi. Enjoy – Ken

Winemaker Notes: Villa Wolf Pinot Blanc is an elegant and easy drinking wine. Fresh and bright aromas come from picking the fruit at the optimal ripeness. This medium-bodied dry wine is complex, and off dry, with just the right amount of acidity creating a great balance. It is light and fruity enough to enjoy on its own but also pairs well with food.

Buy it: Use 1000 Corks to find stores that sell Villa Wolf 2020 Pinot Blanc.

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