Rebecca WineburgOn January 10, 2024, we had a chance to interview and catch up with Rebekah Wineburg. Rebekah is the winemaker for Quintessa and owner and winemaker at Post & Vine. In our Zoom interview, we covered two of her new-release Quintessa wines and two of her new-release Post & Vine wines. We interviewed Rebekah last in September of 2022 when we covered several Quintessa and Post & Vine wines. Check out what we learned from Rebekah.

That said, before we get to the wines, I thought I would share some tidbits and updates about Rebekah, Quintessa and Post & Vine.
• Where are Post & Vine wines made? At the William Harrison custom crush facility. Conveniently located next to Quintessa. 5 minutes down the road.
• Let’s talk vintages (Rebecca feels winter water plays a big part in vantages.
⇒ 2017 – Lots of winter rain, then a hot year.
⇒ 2018 – Lots of winter rain, then a cool year.
⇒ 2019 – Moderate rainfall
⇒ 2020, 2021, & 2022 – ½ of normal rainfall. Very dry vintages.
⇒ 2023 Lots of winter rainfall. An excellent vintage but very very long.
Testa Vineyard was replanted in the 1960’s. Different grape varieties are now mainly in separate areas. There are stick a few areas where the grapes are still mixed.
Mule Plane Vineyard – was planted between 1923-1928. Its very sandy soils have helped preserve it. 2021 vintage at Mule Plane was very dry and produced a very low crop. Hence, only 76 cases were made.
• What news for 2023 for Post & Vine? A new vineyard and some Old Vine Zinfandel! If will come from the historic Stampede Vineyard in Lodi.

Below is a summary of the terrific Quintessa and Post & Vine wines that we covered with Rebekah. The links below are to our full reviews. If you are interested in ordering and trying these wines, you will find the Quintessa wines via your favorite fine wine shop or on top quality wines lists. Both Quintessa wines are currently allocated. If interested, you should give the winery a call or join their list. As for the Post & Vine wines, you can purchase these wines directly from their website.

Quintessa Logo

1. Quintessa 2022 Sauvignon Blanc “Illumination” (Napa/Sonoma) $55 (KWGTP 94)
2. Quintessa 2020 US Red “Red Wine” (Rutherford) $240 (KWGTP 95.5)

Post & Vine Logo

3. Post & Vine 2020 “Old Vine Field Blend” (Mendocino) $36 (KWGTP 91)
4. Post & Vine 2021 Carignane “Mule Plane Vineyard” (Lodi) $28 (KWGTP 92)

You can find reviews of past and future Quintessa wines that we cover on the KWG Quintessa winery page on our website. The Post & Vine reviews that we cover on the KWG Post & Vine winery page on our website. Rebekah’s wines are terrific, and you should definitely try these wines. There is something for everyone at all price points. You certainly will not be disappointed! Enjoy – Ken

By Ken

Ken launched in November 2006.

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