Rolf Binder 2006 HanischStop the presses, hold everything!  That was my initial reaction when I tried the first sip of Rolf Binder’s 2006 Hanisch Shiraz.  As readers know, I try a lot of wines.  Folks that really know me also know I am a little conservative.  So for me to e-mail my panel members and say “I might award this wine 100 points, do you want to come over to try it?”  The reaction was a bit like a gold rush.  Three members joined me to try this very memorable wine.  Others wished they could make it and were sad that they missed it.  Those that could join me, labored over whether it should be scored 98, 99, or 100 points.  All three scores translate into an Unbelievable wine in our scoring system.  The debate was on.

From my perspective, I added some of the following insight for the group.  I noted that, I have tried several wines before that have scored 100 points from other reviewers.  Some I agreed with, many I did not.  There was also the debate of what constitutes “a perfect bottle of wine?”  I would say that is up to the individual reviewer.  However, you have to agree, if you try a wine and you can say “This is one of the best wines I have ever tried, you are probably getting close.”  I personally cover a lot of wines these days.  I found the 2006 Rolf Binder Hanisch from the Barossa Valley, Australia to be a “Super Top Shelf” wine.  I noted that it has to be one of; if not the best wines, I have tried over the course of the last two years.  It was impeccably balanced and smooth.  It showed off its delicious blackberry flavors.  The finish was so long, that panel members could not believe the length of this wine.  This was truly an unbelievable wine!

In the end, the score did not really matter.  While we thought about giving this wine 100 points, we decided we would have to close up shop because we would have found the elusive “perfect bottle of wine.”  So we gave it 99 points and decided to continue our journey.  This wine is worth every penny of the $120 investment needed to obtain a bottle.  My guess is that once the word spreads, it will cost you more.  So save your pennies and dollars.  Make an investment and impress everyone you know.  Perhaps you could even surprise Dad with this gem for Father’s Day.  Drink up and enjoy. – Ken

By Ken

Ken launched in November 2006.

4 thoughts on “Did We Find the Perfect Bottle of Wine?”
  1. I live in Dartmouth, Mass. Does anyone sell the ’06 Hanisch in the sothern part of the state? Thanks

  2. Phil…

    I tried to find it for you in Mass. but failed. I also can’t find any wine store that will ship to Mass. who has it. Lame.

    If you find it there let me know. 🙂

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